Salary and benefits
Includes various premium pays.
Includes various premium pays.
Includes various premium pays.
Premium pays for Sheriff's Correctional Deputy
Compressed work schedule
A compressed work schedule is available for many assignment units. Deputies who work on compressed schedules work the same number of hours but can have more consecutive days off, by working longer days. Depending on assignment, available schedules include three 12-hour days, (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) or a four 10-hour day schedule (Tuesday through Friday).
Health and dental plans
Excellent health and dental plans are available for County of Santa Clara employees and their eligible family members/domestic partners. Your share of costs for medical coverage are based on the plan you choose and the family members you decide to cover.
The County pays the full cost of the dental and vision insurance for fulltime coded employees and their eligible dependents.
Paid leaves
Newly hired deputies receive 12 paid holidays and 8 days (64 hours) of sick leave annually. Annual vacation hours are accrued as follows:
Service Years | Annual Rate of Accrual |
1st Year | 19 days (152 hours) |
2nd through 4th year | 21 days (168 hours) |
5th through 9th year | 25 days (200 hours) |
10th through 14th year | 27 days (216 hours) |
15th through 19th year | 29 days (232 hours) |
20th year and thereafter | 31 days (248 hours) |
Pension plan
Eligible County employees participate in the CalPERS defined benefit (DB) pension plan. The plan provides employees with a lifetime pension benefit based on a formula, rather than contributions made to a savings or 457 plan. CalPERS pension benefits are funded through a combination of employer and employee contributions toward the plan.
To calculate your benefit at retirement, CalPERS includes the following in its formula:
Years of service
Benefit factor – the percentage of pay to which you are entitle to for each year of service. Currently, the benefit factor for Safety CalPERS Non-Classic Member at age 57 is 2.7%.
Final average compensation over a 36-month period.
Benefit at retirement = years of service * benefit factor * final average compensation
Retiree medical coverage
The County provides access to group health plan coverage to eligible retirees based on hire date. Newly hired deputies are eligible for retiree medical coverage with a minimum of 15 years (3,915 days) of continuous service. For most retirees, the County pays for single coverage under the Kaiser retiree-only health plan. Retirees who elect a more expensive medical plan, or who elect to cover an eligible dependent, are responsible for the difference in the cost of the monthly premium. Currently, deputies contribute $15 pre-tax on a biweekly basis toward the Retiree Medical Obligation Unfunded Liability.
Life insurance
The County pays 100% of the cost for full-time coded employees for $25,000 Basic Life Insurance coverage. To add to your basic life insurance coverage, you may choose to purchase supplemental life insurance.
Deferred compensation
Additional retirement financial planning can be accomplished through regular contributions to a deferred compensation plan. The funds deferred are not subject to State or Federal taxation until withdrawn.
Other benefits
The County offers a full line-up of benefits that provide employees and their families with financial protection and support such as Dependent Care Assistance Program, Employee Childcare Assistance Program, and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D).