As a Deputy Sheriff Law Enforcement Cadet, you will attend an intensive training program that will last approximately 26-weeks with the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office Peace Officer Standard and Training (POST) Basic Academy; tuition and other fees are paid by the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office.
Academy overview
Regular Basic Course
The Santa Clara County Justice Training Center follows the Regular Basic Course which is delivered in a one-part instructional sequence with a minimum requirement of 664 hours. Although the POST minimum is 664 hours, our course is usually around 1,000 hours. The Justice Training Center follows the POST Intensive Format - a full-time academy that typically meets Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The Regular Basic Course curriculum is divided into 41 individual topics, called Learning Domains. The Learning Domains contain the minimum required foundational information for given subjects, which are detailed in the Training and Testing Specifications for Peace Officer Basic Courses. The training and testing specifications for a particular domain may also include information on required instructional activities and testing requirements.
Student Preparedness
The Regular Basic Course prepares each student by providing hands-on experience, including weapons training, role-play scenarios, patrol procedures, emergency vehicle operations, and arrest and control techniques. The student must pass comprehensive, exercise, scenario, report writing, and physical abilities tests, to demonstrate readiness for entry into a department's standardized Field Training / Police Training Program.
Lifetime Fitness/Physical Training Program, which runs the length of the academy.
Onsite Emergency Vehicle Operations Course and Driving Simulator.
Onsite Force Options Simulator
Brand new gym and fitness equipment
Secluded location which allows for additional training/practice
A demanding academy that has shown to produce exceptional law enforcement officers.
Full-time staff that is building a strong culture
22 to 33 college units awarded for successful completion of academy
Academy preparation
The Academy is physically demanding, and in order to get the maximum benefit of the Academy, recruits must be in good physical condition. The Academy's physical training program will be beneficial but cannot overcome years of physical inactivity. Prospective recruits who are not in good physical condition should begin a personal fitness program immediately.
It is important for you to train physically to prepare yourself for the Academy. Physical training is conducted daily during the Academy. Physical training usually consists of running, weightlifting, and high intensity interval training.
Prior to the start of your workout, make sure you perform a suitable warm-up and remember to hydrate. All exercises should be performed in a controlled manner using good technique. The running and exercises should be performed 3-5 times per week making sure to use rest days in between so your body can recover. When you begin running, if you can't run continuously, begin by running, and when you feel fatigued, walk until you can begin running again. Each time you run/walk work on decreasing your walking time until you are continuously running.
Below is a pre-academy fitness program that can prepare you for physical demands of an academy.
Run: 1-2 miles at 11-12/minute mile pace. Pushups: 10-20 reps/2 sets Sit-ups: 20-30 reps/2 sets Pull-ups: 1-3 reps/2 sets Squats: 20-30 reps/2 sets Walking Lunges: 15-20 reps/2 sets Plank: hold for 20-30 seconds/2 sets | Run: 2-3 miles at 9-11/minute mile pace. Pushups: 15-25 reps/2 sets Sit-ups: 30-40 reps/2 sets Pull-ups: 3-5 reps/2 sets Squats: 30-40 reps/2 sets Walking Lunges: 20-25 reps/2 sets Plank: hold for 30-40 seconds/2 sets Jump Squats: 5-10 reps/2 sets | Run: 3-3.5 miles at 9-10/minute mile pace. Pushups: 20-30 reps/3 sets Sit-ups: 35-45 reps/3 sets Pull-ups: 5-10 reps/3sets Squats: 35-45 reps/3 sets Walking Lunges: 25-30 reps/3 sets Plank: hold for 40-50 seconds/3 sets Jump squats: 10-15 reps/2 sets | Run: 3.5-4 miles at 8-10/minute mile pace. Pushups: 35-45 reps/3 sets Sit-ups: 40-50 reps/3 sets Pull-ups: 8-12 reps/3 sets Squats: 40-50 reps/3 sets Walking Lunges: 30-40 reps/3 sets Plank: hold for 50-60 seconds/3 sets Jump squats: 10-20 reps/3 sets |
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