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Former Sheriff's Captain Found Guilty

On 7/17/2024, the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office learned of the jury’s decision, finding former Captain James Jensen guilty of felony bribery and conspiracy charges.

The current administration of the Sheriff’s Office is in full support the jury’s decision, as we do not condone nor defend these types of actions.

The actions of the former Captain are not representative of the upstanding men and women of the Sheriff’s Office, who serve and protect our community with honesty and integrity every single day.

Under the leadership of the current Sheriff, Robert Jonsen, the Sheriff’s Office has completely overhauled its Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permits process in compliance with updated law, and to ensure that such crimes do not occur again.

We proudly and selflessly serve the community of Santa Clara County, and we won’t allow the dark decisions of the past by a few, to cloud our organization’s bright future.

Prepared By:
Deputy Felicia Segura
Date / Time Prepared: 07/17/2024 @ 1710

Approved By:
Undersheriff Ken Binder
Date / Time Approved: 07/17/2024 @ 1840

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