Apply to Teen Academy to learn about law enforcement
The Sheriff's Office Summer Teen Academy is a free two-week program designed to provide students with an inside look at various aspects of the Sheriff's Office and law enforcement. The academy will:
Cover topics including traffic law, criminal law, Sheriff's Emergency Response Team (SERT), Dive Team, K9, CSI, and bomb investigation.
Host a tour of a County jail and County courthouse.
Invite students to complete a ride-along with a patrol deputy.
Applications are due no later than June 1st for the June academy and July 20th for the July academy.
Classes will run Monday-Thursday from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Richey Training Center in San Jose. We encourage participants to arrange their own transportation to and from class. However, contact Sheriff's personnel using the information below if you will have difficulties arranging transportation.
The academy is intended to provide students with an overview of Sheriff's Office functions and procedures. Although the curriculum and teaching methods are similar to those used in a law enforcement academy, the sessions are not intended to make the participants law enforcement officers. To be selected by the Sheriff's Office, applicants to the academy will be subject to a modified background investigation and must meet certain requirements:
Applicants must not have disciplinary or truancy issues at school.
Applicants must reside or attend a high school within the jurisdiction of the Sheriff's Office (or have just graduated).
Applicants cannot have any felony judgments against them.
Applicants cannot have any arrests involving violence, drugs, or possession or use of weapons.
Applicants cannot have any misdemeanor judgments against them within the last two years.
Applicants cannot currently be on probation or parole.
Any participant who becomes involved in a criminal matter or is found to be involved in any situation that may result in an arrest or suspension from school will be immediately removed from the academy. The Sheriff's Office may also dismiss participants who lie in the academy or lied in the application process.