Bomb Squad

Never pick up or disturb a bomb or suspicious package!!!
Some bombs may detonate when picked up!!
Call 9-1-1
The County of Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad is a mutual aid resource for the region that serves Santa Clara County and adjacent communities, having been called to respond to Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties. The squad consists of sergeants and deputies who have been certified by the FBI in hazardous device mitigation and recovery as well as post blast investigative techniques.
The Bomb Squad is available 24 hours a day to investigate; Commercial Explosives, homemade or improvised explosive devices, Military Ordnance, Fireworks and assist in Post Blast investigation. The team supplies training to a large number of law enforcement personnel, fire personnel, and city and county government employees. Several public educational presentations and demonstrations are conducted throughout the year. Agencies requiring the assistance of the Bomb Squad should contact Sheriff's Operations Center at (408) 808-4410 or County Communications at (408) 299-2311.