Special Enforcement Division
Air Support Unit (ASU)
The primary objective of the Air Support Unit (ASU) is to provide aerial support for Sheriff’s Office ground units and other law enforcement agencies in Santa Clara County for public and officer safety matters.
Mutual Aid Coordinator
The Mutual Aid Coordinator is responsible for receiving and disseminating aid requests from across the state.
Marijuana Eradication Team (MET)
It is funded by the Marijuana Suppression Program (MSP) grant from the California Emergency Management Agency (CAL EMA) and the Domestic Cannabis Eradication / Suppression Program (DCE/SP), which is funded by the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
Auto Theft Task Force (R.A.T.T.F)
The Santa Clara County Regional Auto Theft Task Force (RATTF) is a proactive, multi-jurisdictional unit that augments already existing auto theft units.
Civil Unit
The Special Enforcement Division’s Civil Unit is responsible for service of civil process which may include restraining orders, evictions, civil bench warrants, keepers and till taps, and both personal property and real property levies as outlined in the California Constitution and the California Code of Civil Procedures.
Fugitive Apprehension and Surveillance Team (FAST)
FAST is the department’s undercover enforcement unit primarily tasked with the apprehension of wanted serious and violent felons using covert surveillance techniques and tactics.
Covert Investigations Unit (CIU)
The mission of CIU is to dismantle and disrupt drug traffickers operating within Santa Clara County.
Intelligence Unit
The Intelligence Unit is comprised of Sheriff's Office sworn personnel assigned to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) and the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC).
Special Teams
The Special Enforcement Division also oversees all the Sheriff’s Office specialized teams comprised of highly trained deputies who are responsible for conducting a variety of critical missions. Members of these specialized teams serve in a collateral duty capacity in addition to their permanent assignments. The Sheriff’s Office is proud to continue serving the residents of Santa Clara County by maintaining the following teams for service.

Search and Rescue (SAR)
The Search and Rescue (SAR) team's mission is to provide highly trained search and rescue resources to local, County, State and Federal Government Agencies in times of emergency.

Bomb Squad
The Bomb Squad responds to all requests for the evaluation and destruction of explosive devices, military ordnances, fireworks, or post-blast investigations within Santa Clara County.

Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT)
The Crisis Negotiation Team consists of deputies who are highly skilled and trained in the art of establishing and maintaining communications during crisis situations.

Crowd Control Unit
The Crowd Control Unit's mission is to provide a rapid response to civil unrest in planned or unplanned events.

Canine Unit
The Canine Unit handlers and their partners are trained in apprehension, drug detection, explosive detection, phone detection, and article searches.

Sheriff's Off-Road Enforcement (SORE)
The Sheriff's Off-Road Enforcement team’s primary mission is to provide this county’s off-highway and rural areas with law enforcement service.

Sheriff's Emergency Response Team (SERT)
The Sheriff's Emergency Response Team resolves critical incidents, serves high-risk warrants, and apprehends violent offenders that are beyond the general response capabilities of patrol operations or that warrant a coordinated tactical team approach.